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Dealing With Difficult People


When working in a team you often run into difficult people that can slow the team down and hinder your goals and objectives. Our program helps you deal with these situations in a professional and beneficial way. We will help you solve your own problems without having to bring the issue to your manager saving you and your business time.


Teaches the value of self-control
Identify your emotional triggers
Identify the approach you want to take to safely understand the situation
Develop and practice techniques for handling counterproductive behavior of difficult people


Starting out by examining yourself
Exploring what you are experiencing with a trusted friend or colleague
Approaching the person with whom you are having the problem for a private discussion.
Follow up after the initial discussion
Confronting your difficult coworker’s behavior publicly
Rallying the other employees who might have an issue with the difficult person as well – carefully
Failing to work?

Conflict Management


Interpersonal conflicts we experience on a daily basis cause the most stress across ALL occupations. Give your employees a memorable, easy-to-implement way to stay calm and productively work through issues with co-workers.

Our program simplifies confrontation with someone who is behaving in a way that is disruptive, unprofessional or self-serving. We present a simple 4-step approach that helps individuals collect their thoughts and initiate resolution in the most productive way.


Teaches people to work through conflict on their own
Keeps conflicts from escalating
Builds interpersonal skills


What to Do When Conflict Happens introduces the CALM. Model

C— CLARIFY the issue

A—ADDRESS the problem

L—LISTEN to the other side

M— MANAGE your way to resolution

What makes the C.A.LM. approach unique is the first stage – CLARIFY, where employees step back and think. They rationally examine what’s happening, why they feel the way they do, what the other person might be feeling and what to keep in mind as they address the issue. After CLARIFY is complete employees are effectively able to ADDRESS, LISTEN and MANAGE the issue on their own.

Feedback Loop


Feedback between managers and employees can be one of the most important and beneficial concepts an organization can adopt. We recognize that sometimes this is overlooked particularly in the vertical avenues of a business. Our program will help you integrate both positive and negative feedback channels while still maintaining a sense of professionalism between employees and managers.


Improve your interpersonal communication skills
Understand and benefit the importance of feedback in achieving results
Learn how to give honest and sincere feedbacks with no hesitation
Observe and discover tips and suggestions for the best emotionally intelligent feedbacks
Improve your and your employees’ skills and knowledge on an ongoing project by constant feedback flow (vertical & horizontal)
Enhance your employee retention


Emotional intelligence
Personal quotient
All about feedback
Structure / environment / circle / mirror image / hamburger technique
Setting smart objectives
Feedback types
Poor performance / discipline feedback / appraisal performance
Best feedback tips
Coaching check list for ongoing performance

Influencing People


Influencing people effectively can be an extremely beneficial tool in your business if you do it right. We can teach you how to improve your influencing techniques by implementing them into your everyday life in and out of the office. This module is designed to help you persuade people in your work environment, whether it’s a co-worker or a customer.


Develop your skills as a professional influencer
Discover the dynamics required by influencing
Have yours say even without authority?
Direct people’s decision towards your goal
Succeed on your objectives who generally depend on extremal factors


Principles of Influence
Influencing Style
Expanding your Spheres of Influence
Compensation rather than Compromise
Personal Negotiation Strategy
Making Impact Briefings
Creating the Right First Impression
Using Pressure rather than Coercion
Seeing the Other Point of View
Using Status to Stay in Charge
Knowing What to Give Away
Creating a Circle of Champions
Understanding Group Dynamics
Giving Positive Feedback
Making ‘Weaknesses’ Work for You

Dealing With Superiors


Working under someone in an organization can often be difficult. You might not get along with the person, or you might disagree with their management style. There are ways to adapt though, which can definitely help your situation and ultimately make you and your superior happier in the work environment.


Master the way to express yourself in a clear and concise way
Be better understood
Save time on mistakes and misunderstanding
Convey a positive and professional image
Enhance your interactions with people through communication


Introduction to communication
Listening — a generous act,
Self-analysis on skills of 3’s: Acknowledge, Assess, Answer
Taking responsibility for your words
Banning fillers (er, uh, ah etc…)
Aiming your speech for your audience
3 courses speech: Introduction / body / closing
Managing the pitch of your voice
Controlling the pace of your speech
Cross-checking for right understanding

Motivation People


A key in being a successful manager is to be able to motivate your employees. How you do this is important to your goals and accomplishments. We can help you inspire people by providing the necessary tools to improve not just short term but long-term motivation. This module is designed to teach you how to approach your employees using individual motivating techniques while simultaneously increasing their morale and productivity.


Create efficiency and dynamism within your team
Develop your employee’s ownership to any type of project or assigned task
Receive constant and beneficial feedback for improved results,
Create a bond and efficient communication circle


Basic skills about employee motivation — including steps you can take
The eternal question… How can | motivate my employees or people that | interact
Creating a sense of urgency
Leadership knowledge base: Information to improve your leadership success
Employee motivation tricks
Cross training as motivational tool

Complementary Mindsets


When running your business overseas often times you will be asked to deal with a cross-cultural issue. Let us employ you with the skills necessary to conduct business overseas with an era for cultural differences in both societies and business cultures.


Everyone knows that while different cultures may think about the world differently, they use the same equipment for doing their thinking 3 Everyone knows that whatever skin color, nationally or religion, every human being uses the same = tools for perception, memory and for reasoning Everyone knows that a logically true statement is true in English, German or Hindi

Everyone knows when a Chinese and an American look at the same painting. they see the same picture 3 But what if everyone is wrong?


Philosophies: The Syllogism and the Tao
Mindset: The Social Origins of Mind
Society: Living Together vs. Going It Alone: Social Life and Sense of Self in the Modern East and West
Worldview: “Eyes in Back of Your Head’ or Keep Your Eye on the Ball’
Language: Is the World Made Up of Nouns and Verbs?
Logic: ‘Ce r’est Pas Logique’ or ‘You’ve Got a Point There’
Meeting in the Middle
The End of Psychology or the Clash of Mentalities,
Getting Consensus
Application in the Business Life

Thinking Outside of the Box


Although creative thinking and imagination are critical to an organization’s continued growth and profitably, it is offend our human nature to behave in ways that do not favor thinking creatively and using imagination is often frowned upon in organizational context. In this session we will explore how leaders and their team members can tap into their intrinsic motivation and make space or reflective imaginative thinking. In order for creative ideas to flourish, a context must be provided where creativity is continually sought, valued and where environments and creativity are exciting and dynamic. Moving beyond traditional brainstorming, we will introduce effective, yet simple techniques to assist the creative thinking process including methods that building lateral, divergent thinking.


Use your brain to its full potential
Look at things from various angles
Develop your critical thinking
Increase your innovative capability
Release the creative potential in products, services, brand, organizational structures
Enhance your problem solving skills
Improve the status quo Content


Part 1. Outside-In
Trapped inside
Mind blockers
Socratic questioning
Free at last
Caterpillar and the cat
Creative thinking
Areas for innovation
Product Innovation & diversification
Customer services
Creative advertising
Efficiency — quality ~ cost
Personal effectiveness

Part 2. Inside-Out
Tolerance for ambiguity
Mental flexibility
Producing creative ideas
Techniques, tools and triggers
Nyaka – defect analysis,
Features Matrix — creative bi-sociation
Brain faxing — creative problem solving
Trigger cards
Chip analysis
Presentation tips — bomber

Candidate X-Ray


Choosing the right candidate for your company is the same as selecting the future of your business. We have a program that will give you the tools and observation skills necessary to finding the right candidate for an available position. Well integrate different interview styles for different types of candidates as well as arming you with the knowledge to ask the right questions to get the right Person.


Using listening and questioning techniques to develop the best interview skills
Learn to read people by their body language
Analyze different types of interviews
The Key Objective: choosing the right candidate for the position


Interview Skills
Questioning techniques
Interpreting body language
Interview Types and Tips
Skill Summary

Minimizing Stress, Maximizing Effectiveness


If you are like most managers, performance management is stressful. Today’s business climate adds a new layer of uncertainty and accountability, making performance management even tougher to navigate. This seminar gives you the time-tested road map for developing and reviewing performance that aligns with rapidly changing priorities and organizational goals to help you stay focused and move your team forward.


Use quick performance snapshots to streamline and improve the review process
Understand how to cope with various employee reactions
Overcome reluctance to communicate, coach and give feedback
Learn to provide clarity when there is organizational ambiguity
Set SMART objectives linked to organizational goals, providing feedback coaching and development opportunities
Write a performance appraisal and have a structured discussion that resolves any problems or unclear objectives


Performance management at a glance
Aligning objectives with your company’s business goals,
Addressing matrix reporting relationships
Communicating with employees often (provide short, quick performance snapshots)
Writing the performance appraisal: fair, “objective”, no surprises
Having the performance appraisal discussion: fair, objective’, no surprises
Dealing effectively with various employee reactions
Planning for short and long-term objectives

Delegating Successfully


This delegation module successfully deals with general delegation principles and process, which is applicable to individuals and teams, or temporary assignments, even ‘virtual teams”. We will help you encourage good delegation which will save time, develop new relationships and groom a possible successor all while avoiding frustration, confusion and possible failure of the task itself. We will teach you to ‘manage upwards’ and suggest improvements to the delegation process and understanding vertically and horizontally through your business.


Encourage motivation
Help in the personal development of your team members
Open the door to successful planning
Be able to concentrate on other tasks for your own
Appraise easily the “can and cannot yet” of your employees


SMART or SMARTER delegation
Delegated Tasks Must Be: Specific Measurable/Agreed Realistic/Time Bound/Ethical Recorded
Defining the Task
Selecting the Individual or Team
Assessing Ability and Training Needs
Explaining the Reasons
Stating Required Results
Considering Required Resources
Agreeing Deadlines
Supporting and Communicating
Feed Back on Results

Making Good Decisions


Making good decisions is a key factor to helping you lead effectively. We can give you the techniques to arrive at the best decisions for any business decision. This module is designed with problem solving techniques and specific formulas for you to teach the best decisions.


Teaches people to make good decisions based on facts
Eliminates indecisiveness
Saves time
Help to seize opportunities


Pareto analysis — choosing what to change
Paired comparison analysis — working out the relative importance of different options
Grid analysis — making a choice into account of many factors
PMI — weighing the pros and cons
Force Field analysis —  analyzing the pressures for and against
Six thinking hats — Looking at a decision from different perspectives
Star bursting — understanding option better by brainstorming questions
Stepladders — making better group decisions
Decision tree — choosing by valuing different options

New Manager’s Pitfalls to Avoid


Becoming a manager in a new job is something that can be daunting to anybody, no matter how much experience they have. Nerves and managing styles collide and can often affect the productivity of a team. This module will help you prioritize your main responsibilities and allow you to focus on the task at hand. We will dispel common misconceptions about what to do on the job and help you focus in on being the best manager you can be.


Get support for management
Remove obstacles in your job
Be able to share both power and information
Gain good leadership skills
Know what to do and when to do
Know what to avoid while adjusting to a new management position


What your job really is: coach, setter of standard, performance appraiser, teacher, motivator?
What not to be
Your purpose and main responsibilities
Pitfalls to avoid
Gaining a balanced viewpoint

Performance Leadership for Managers


Make sure that your current managers are up to date on the latest and most effective managing tools of our program designed for existing managers. We’ll evaluate the skills set of your current management team and insure that they’re being highly effective in their roles.


Assessing and developing leadership skills
Coaching and managing individual employee performance
Building collaboration and team work
Facilitate planning and problem solving


Getting into teams
Common types of teams
Look before you leap
3 cornerstones of building a team
Strategies for building Productive Teams
Models in Focus-Cohesiveness
Developing Tools for productive Team Players
Instant coffee – Instant teams
Effective interpersonal communication
Problem solving
Conflict resolution

Dealing With Resistance in Change


People are not always the most adaptable to change, often times managers are the most affected by change because not only do. they have to adjust on their own but they must assist in the adjustment for everybody else. Change in the workplace is necessary. It makes for a more creative working environment and avoids too much repetition. It’s important to embrace change and not shy away from it, that is why we have created a module to help you accept change and adapt easily.


Ability to accept change and see the reason for it.
Embrace the fundamentals of change in an organization
Understand the pressures of change on everybody in the organization
Have the best tools on hand to deal with any bumps on the road for change


Working with a difficult manager
How to handle and what to expect
Managing change from the top
Getting over your fear of the unknown
Reducing your resistance to change

Managing People


One way or another, business is all about Managing People. True, leadership is another part of it, but one way or another; you’re going to have to be great with people in your business or organization to be a success.


Master the way to express yourself in a clear and concise way
Be better understood
Save time on mistakes and misunderstanding
Convey a positive and professional image
Enhance your interactions with people through communication


Managing Focus
Building the Best Teams
Focusing on Delivery
Building Relationships
Accepting Feedback
Developing Others
Being Accountable
Setting Standards
Be Determined
Can Be Trusted

Managing Productive Meetings


Meetings work best when they’re structured and run effectively and efficiently. We can help you decide who should organize the meetings, which roles different individuals should have in the meetings and who should be included. This module will give you everything from strategy tips for running meetings to popular meeting icebreakers to get the ball rolling.


Teaches the value of meetings as a management tool
Shows critical planning steps that makes meeting time more efficient
Pinpoints to start and end meetings in time with a well-constructed agenda
Identify the role of the meeting chair and the meeting participant
Identify the steps to take to create a safe forum for discussion
Develop and practice techniques for handling counterproductive behavior


Presentation of the 4 main roles

  1. Time Keeper
  2. Script
  3. Chairperson
  4. Participant

Preparation of the meeting agenda and who should attend
Collection of information prior to meeting
Timely distribution of agenda and feedback
Crucial seating arrangements
Meeting starts with the previous meeting minutes with a round table
Meeting road map and ground rules
Meeting open forum
Activity, by who, by when & follow-up
Meeting adjourns with the next agenda topics

Train the Trainer (TTT)


Team Cohesion is one of the most necessary aspects of teamwork in order to propel success. When a team comes together and really knows each other inside and out, their productivity increases and often times they find that they can increase their goal expectations. The Team Cohesion model was designed for managers to implement proper team building techniques into their management styles.


Higher team morale
Goal expectations can be constantly increate
Clear roles and responsibilities will be defined
Distribution of tasks is made easier and more efficient
Performance measurements are more accurate


The 4 stages a team goes through: 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing
Roles and Goals
Interpersonal relationships
Managerial procedures
The 7 Critical Team Skills

Happiness is the Key


As the saying goes: “Happiness is not something ready. It comes from your own action” Thanks to this workshop, we will present you ow optimism can elevate you to a joyful and peaceful life at work and home. The participants will understand that positive action is helping everyone to build connections with others. Happiness can be learned, therefore cope with the stress of life and learn how to raise the bar.


Enhance the meaning of your daily life
Set the goals for your ultimate happiness
Discover the seven meditation on happiness
Get used with the happiness habits
Provide new perspectives at home and work


The pursuit of happiness
Self-creation happiness
Happiness in the workplace
Happiness in relationships
Creating connections with others
Positive emotions feel good and do people good
Reference and further reading